POST 7: Changes to your Study Program

I study Plastic Arts in Universidad de Chile. In order to enter into this degree I had to do the basic cycle while I was in highschool.
The basic cycle lasts four semesters y the degree lasts eight semesters plus one year for the thesis.
When I got into this degree I realized that many of the classes I had on the basic cycle were repeated here. Like color, volume, even with the same teachers I had or sometimes the same assignments. I would like that to change, that the University validates these classes.
By being in this degree, I also realized that the infrastructure in the Faculty is very poor. There aren't adequate spaces to work on and to learn comfortably. There are no resources specialized to the courses we have, for example for the painting class we didn't have good lighting, the floors were broken, there weren't enough easels or chairs available for all of the students to work comfortably.
As far as methodologies in teaching goes, I would like that in the practical workshops, the teachers taught more about the different materialities that exist to work in the plastic arts. Because one sees in painting stores or serigraphy stores, drawing stores or even photography stores, multiple products to work with that, by knowing them it allows you to work in a more appropriate manner for the work of art you're working on. It is necessary to have more knowledge on the tools available in the art world, ss these give many possibilities to create and develop a better work.
As time goes by, changes arise in this degree and I am okay with them, what I wouldn't change is the spirit that Universidad de Chile transmits through its amazing teachers.


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